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減壓球 | 紓壓工具 | 壓力球 | 彈性減壓球印製 | 壓力發洩玩具

13860 - 壓力球


南洋理工大學是新加坡一所科研密集型大學,分文,理,工,商四大學院,為3萬3千名本科生和研究生提供全方位的跨學科教育。南大也與倫敦大學帝國學院聯辦 李光前醫學院,並在2013年錄取第一批學生。南大校園內也設有四所世界級的自主機構。這包括拉惹勒南國際關係研究院,新加坡唯一的專業師資培訓學府 - 國立教育學院,集中研究地球科學自然災害課題的新加坡地球觀測與研究所,以及研究重點放在生物膜的新加坡環境生物工程中心。南大也設有許多頂尖的研究中心,包括南洋環境與水源研究院和南洋理工大學能源研究所。除了著重科研建設,我們還計劃借助現有的優勢,在可持續發展,新創意媒體,保健醫療體制科技,新絲綢之路和創業創新生態模式五個方面,再攀高峰,致力將南大打造成一所卓越的環球大學。
The Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine chose the lovely promotional gifts, heart shape stress ball. A heart squeeze toy shows customers just how much you love working with them, and it makes their lives easier. It's a smooth, soft stress reliever with a shape that fits snugly in the palm of a hand. Its rounded shape causes it to rock a bit on a flat surface, but it's not so round that it'll go rolling off a desk. Even though it's soft, it didn't tear when we twisted it. Whenever you're feeling generous and want to help relieve the stress in your customers' lives, these promotional stress releasers will promote your brand and help them out at the same time!
