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紀念品訂製成功案例 - 採購易商務禮品
折叠廣告傘 | 折疊傘禮品 | 三折雨傘 | 兩折傘 | 訂做折疊遮

7002 - 定製純色雨傘


​ 新加坡百樂海景酒店坐擁新加坡市中心的絕佳位置,距離克拉碼頭娛樂區和中央商務區僅有數分鐘路程,其獨具一格的紅磚塔尖散發出濃濃的殖民歷史氣息,堪稱是新加坡河畔的一座地標建築。酒店遠離羅拔申碼頭喧囂繁華的古雅街道,設有一個備受讚賞的 25 米露天泳池和一個與之相連的按摩浴缸,是一所堪稱完美的熱帶幽居。

Park Hotel Clarke Quay ordered the gift set as corporate gifts. There are folding umbrellas and crystal pen with stylus. Even with the best planning and preparation, you can't always predict the weather. That's why customers will love your business when you give them promotional folding umbrellas. Branded small umbrellas can easily fit in your customers' bags, so they can go about their day knowing they'll be protected by your brand in case it starts drizzling. Customers will no longer get drenched in a surprise downpour when you give them compact umbrellas printed with your logo. Use this two-in-one stylus/pen writing utensil for all of your business, school or home needs! Multi-function pens are useful promos for everything from business meetings to school note-taking. Use this three-in-one stylus/pen/highlighter writing utensil for all of your business, school or home needs!
