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紀念品訂製成功案例 - 採購易商務禮品
廣告陶瓷杯 | 咖啡杯 | 禮品杯 | 玻璃杯 | 馬克杯

1115 - 295ML陶瓷廣告杯


NOVU 醫學美容診所和 PPP 由 NOVU 是自2011年11月成立以來, 專注於激光光臉的概念(激光醫療面部護理),並使用尖端技術和培訓醫生管理激光治療面部護理。
Aesthetic Medical Holdings Pte Ltd chose ceramic cup as a corporate gift. The glass of ceramic mug is spacious, so it is easy to wash and keep clean. The glazed surface is not only bright and colorful, but also easy to wash and use. The capacitance of ceramic mug is 295ML.It is able to bear a certain temperature difference between the changes of cooling and heating. No whether it is injected into the cold water or hot water, there will be no burst of the situation. The anti-perm cup ear can be used to prevent ironing during the use of the cup. It is safer to use. In addition, the chemical properties of ceramic mug is stable, and is hard to react with the substances such as acid, alkali, salt and the atmospheric carbonic acid . It is durable to use l long time.
